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首页 > 热门资讯 > 国际贸易中心执行主任帕梅拉在第二届消博会开幕式上发表视频致辞








distinguished guests, 

Ladies and gentlemen:

I wish to thank the Ministry of Commerce of China for inviting the International Trade Centre or ITC to this important expo.


I’ve never had the pleasure of travelling to Hainan myself, but I’ve been told it is both a beautiful island and a prosperous gateway to the Chinese market. I’m thrilled to take part in the Consumer Products Expo at a time when Hainan is becoming one of the global logistical hubs in China.


The numbers behind the size of that Chinese market are astounding. By 2030, McKinsey estimates that China will have 400 million households with upper-middle and higher incomes roughly as many as Europe and the United States combined. This massive market presents vast opportunities for businesses worldwide.


Many big companies already see these opportunities coming. But to be truly inclusive the main question remains on how will micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) benefit from them. This is precisely where my work and that of my staff comes in.


ITC is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. We support trade development building competitiveness of MSMEs in developing countries, helping small business connect to the global market.


With nearly 60 years of results-oriented work, we have countless practical insights into markets, trade and investment intelligence.To help MSMEs thrive in China and in the region, I would like to highlight a few points.


Firstly, MSMEs need special assistance to establish linkages with Chinese partners. This includes services like business matchmaking, preparatory training or preferential rates for expo booths.


Since 2018, ITC has partnered with the China International Import Expo. We’ve helped MSMEs from developing countries participate collectively under the ITC umbrella, helping them connect with potential Chinese buyers. We are happy to explore the possibility for expanding this collaboration with the Consumer Products Expo in the future.


Secondly, a greater focus on digital trade support makes the difference. ITC and the Alibaba Group launched the "Global Digital Trade Accelerator" last year. We provide small businesses from Africa, Asia, and Latin America with e-commerce and marketing skills. This leads to new opportunities and exports.


Last but not least, facilitating investment from China can play a crucial role in strengthening global value chains and promoting export-led growth for developing countries. We encourage more Chinese companies to invest in developing countries, enhancing their export capacities and upholding social responsibilities with their partners.


Ladies and gentlemen, last year,China unveiled its vision on the Global Development Initiative to make the world’s growth stronger, greener and healthier. I feel this is greener and more sustainable focus is essential. It will help the global economy recover from the Covid pandemic.


The challenge is daunting the latest report on the UN Sustainable Development Goals found that extreme poverty rose for the first time in over 20 years. Up to 124 million people were set back globally into extreme poverty. We need greater collaboration and the participation of all and in particular from the private sector to make poverty history once again.


With less than 10 years to meet the UN sustainable development goals, we must leverage every opportunity to push forward sustainable development, especially amongst women, youth and vulnerable groups.I wish the Expo a complete and resounding success. Thank you for your attention!