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首页 > 热门资讯 > 香港特首李家超在第二届消博会开幕式上发表视频致辞



Distinguished Guests, Friends,


Good day. It is a great pleasure to address the opening ceremony of the 2nd China International Consumer Products Expo online.


Following the new pattern of E commerce & Duty free, in which domestic and foreign market boost each other and the domestic market as the mainstay, our country has made great achievements in spurring domestic demand and economic development. The Expo is the first national exhibition with consumer products as its theme. It is in line with the development goals of our country and provides an excellent platform to enterprises.


Though the world economy and consumer confidence slumped because of the pandemic, the First Consumer Products Expo was held successfully last year, owing to the strength of our country, our determination to expand high-level opening-up and the strong consumption power of the domestic market.


Products made in Hong Kong are of good quality in the eyes of many domestic consumers and are popular across the world. Companies in Hong Kong has shown their support to this platform of E commerce & Duty free by attending the first Expo actively, promoting our jewelry, medicine, logistics and other products. Hong Kong Trade Development Council also set up a publicity booth, introducing our unique advantages to deepen cooperation between domestic and Hong Kong’s companies.


The scale of the Expo will expand this year. The exhibition area of Hong Kong’s companies alone will exceed two thousand square meters. Many well-known brands will be present. This year, HKTDC will build a “Hong Kong Fashion Pavilion”, bring our superior consumer brands to the Expo.


This year marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. As president Xi Jinping said in the inaugural ceremony of the six-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the next five years are important for Hong Kong to break new ground and achieve another leap forward. Hong Kong’s close connection with the world market and strong support from the mother land are its distinctive advantages. The central government fully supports Hong Kong in its effort to maintain its distinctive status, to improve its presence as an international financial, shipping and trading center, and to keep its business environment free, open and regulated. The Hong Kong government will take full advantage of the support and the edge of “one country, two systems”, dovetail itself with major national strategies and sharpen its competitive edges in all rounds.


I want to thank the Ministry of Commerce and the government of Hainan for providing us a brilliant opportunity to expand domestic market and present the beauty and charm of Hongkong’s brands. I wish the 2nd China International Consumer Products Expo a full success. I also hope that participants can seize the great opportunity and build a brighter future together. Thank you!